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On 1/7/96, Marla James (marla@mail.idt.net) from ppp-36.ts-3.la.idt.net wrote:
"I am with Orange County Society for Psychic Research in California, USA..Impressed by your page very interesting information."
On 1/7/96, David Rawn (rawn@bconnex.) from auto-186-109.bconnex.net wrote:
"Excellent conceptual application. however, it seems more than a task to discover actual addresses. (both private and institutional) A chat line would also help indoctrinate the lay. thankyou."
On 2/7/96, Elaine Kite (heyoka@snowcrest.net) from sl1.redding.snowcrest.net wrote:
"Your web site is intriguing (and I am not easily) to read. I plan on checking it regularly. I too think parapsychology should be explored as a means of communication. I am interested in work done with sensory deprivation tanks. There seem to be extinct.Does anyone know of any in use in California? Thanks, Elaine"
On 2/7/96, alan streett (drstreett@why.net) from 21.max1.dal.why.net wrote:
"For a number of years I pursued inverstigation into parapsychology, particulary spiritualism. I attended seminary, studying world religions and alternative religious systems. I fully believe esp existed. I was a personal friend withTed Swager, protege to Arthur Ford. Some years later Swager claimed a Christian conversion. From thereon he said his trance mediumship talents were demonic in nature. Later he recanted and went back into mediumship. Over the years I hae come to believe that most "professional"psychics were fraudulent. Having thoroughly familiarized myself with mentalism, I feel most "psychics" are nothing more than stage magicians passing themselves off as having paranormal powers. I am open to unexplained "spontaneous" phenomena. I am interested in doing a comprehensive study of the history mentalism and fakery. I am cognizant of most of the literature n the market, but would like to trace backward and historically document the subject. I wish I could procede on th dissertation for Ph.D. credit, but no universities in America offer such opportunities. I presently hold a B.A. in psychology from the Univ. of Baltimore, a Master of Divinity from Wesley Theologica Seminary, and a Ph.D. in biblical studies from California Graduate School. If you have any suggestions, they are welcomed. I read regulary your website on the internet. Thanks for your efforts. "
On 6/7/96, Bryan Pearson (sooner@sprynet.com) from ad09-030.compuserve.com wrote:
"I have just recently became interested in Parapsychology, and was wondering if anyone out there would like to talk about it, although I dont know much.. I am very interested in the subject. Thank you Bryan Pearson"
On 6/7/96, matthew j. will (will@colorado.edu) from wrote:
"i have been experimenting with an energy field semmingly to exist between my hands. this field is noticeable even when my hands are stretched very far apart, an can be felt changing on one hand when the other hand is moved. what ways could i possible measure its existence?"
On 7/7/96, michael colmer (oaks.millennium@ukonline.co.uk) from lon3-52.ukonline.co.uk wrote:
"the briefest browse through yr webb pages suggests that all the focus lies in methodology . As a professional psychic for some 30 years ( BBC, SKY tv. and author of some 24 books mainly in the esoteric field I was saddened to note that the well being of the subject appears to have been totally neglected in favour of the researcher. quelle domage. "
On 7/7/96, brian rogers from conyers3.rockdale.public.lib.ga.us wrote:
"interesting page, indeed. having experienced uncontrolled, unexplainable paranormal phenomena myself, it's nice to see someone attempting to decipher the mysteries behind extra sensory perception. i truly, doubt, however, that due to the spontaneity of the paranormal, that you will achieve the exact data that is neccessary to convince sceptics."
On 8/7/96, Francisco Carrapico (F.Carrapico@cc.fc.ul.pt) from pppmodem.cc.fc.ul.pt wrote:
"All the best for your research work. We must go on and put Science on the field. Francisco"
On 10/7/96, Pennyann Albert (pennyann.albert@jcu.edu.au.) from wrote:
"I am a fourth year Education/Psychology student in Australia, and I was wondering if you could send me some basic information about Parapsychology in general. I am doing a unit with my Year Seven student's on Parapsychology and need some information desperately!!!"
On 10/7/96, Michael Wells (stanford@xom.hq.af.mil) from xome1.hq.af.mil wrote:
"I'm a relative, oh we can cut the crap, I'm not even born yet when it comes to the realms of parapsychology. But, nonetheless, it very much interests me. I haven't jumped into the site, but from what I have seen, a mental note has been made to come back and splash around in your waters."
On 10/7/96, Cleston R. Torrey (vstall@avana.net) from atl145.avana.net wrote:
"After all is said and done, is there any REAL evidence of the existence of ESP, PK, DMILS or any other such thing? Just curious. "
On 13/7/96, Tony Ainsworth (DE) from du2-21.tcp.co.uk visited.
On 15/7/96, Nigel King from wrote:
"Nice site! I'll be back again soon!"
On 17/7/96, Ron Sprott (rongreg@eis.net.au) from dialup-14-f6.eis.net.au wrote:
"Why do parapsychologists try to reinvent the wheel?! The basis of all phenomena was explained in readable English over 120 years ago by Madame Blavatsky in her many writings on the subject. Do scientists really believe that a 7 dimensional problem will be solved on a one-dimensional physical level. Even Einstein only thought in 4 dimensions at best.There is nothing supernatural about psychic phenomena but they ARE super-human effects. Therefore , the true scientific study of such effects requires the investigator to be in a super-human state or level of consciousness.This requires a knowledge of self rather than a knowledge of external data. As long as a researcher thinks of himself or herself as a body and mind out of which consciousness springs through brain activity alone , science will be looking at the problem from the wrong end. Effects will simply be explained by more effects and the true NOUMON or reality behind the phenomena will remain a closed book. Why have literally millions of spiritually minded people over the centuries subjected themselves to lifetimes of intense self-meditation? Where they all crazy people? Of course not.The result of parapsychological experiments will either be 1. A nil result or 2. A playful interaction with matter on a more rarified plane with no serious results or at worst 3. An interference by the very forces (rarified matter) being studied so that the experiment is not verifiable. Even the mind set of the investigator will affect the behaviour of the subject under study unless the researcher knows the nature of a human being in detail and after much experience of various states of consciousness. This is because the external natural world is not apart from the observer but both are an expression of elemental forces (states of matter) and ultimately the same mindstuff. Sorry about this long tirade,your efforts are honourable in themselves but please have the intelligence and humility to read the ancient science of parapsychology which used to be called ARCANE KNOWLEDGE. "
On 18/7/96, Chris Romer (C_Romer@chelt.ac.uk) from mmroom10.chelt.ac.uk wrote:
"Excellent site chaps! Still running the Student Parapsychology Society site. A frequent request I recieve is for postgraduate courses in Parapsychology. Are there any institutions running parapsychology M.A.'s these days? Anyway keep up the good work - Chris "